The level of social vices into which Nigeria has descended makes one to wonder if the media have abdicated their watchdog responsibility of assisting to curb such evils through social engineering. Among the evils are: corruption, financial/cybercrimes, flagrant disobedient to rule of law, certificate scandals, electoral malpractices, violence, thuggery, kidnapping, assassination, herders’ killings and Boko Haram insurgency. The study applied secondary research method in examining the capacity of the media in resolving these problems; ascertained whether the media actually play the role and identified the challenges facing them in the performance of the function. It was anchored on the social responsibility and agenda setting theories. Findings showed that the media are above average in their watchdog role to the society. They are beset by the same ills of the society such as corrupt politicians, ownership interests and poor welfare of practitioners. Accordingly, the paper recommended that journalists’ welfare should be a priority to managements of media institutions so as to disengage the practitioners from doing the biddings of corrupt people who cash on their pitiable financial status to lure them to accept gratifications. Besides, training, reorientation and investigative initiatives are advocated to enable the media to be better positioned to expose enemies of the society.
—Marie M'Balla-Ndi Oeidemoeller
—Inaku K. Egere & Nicholas O. Egere
—Andrew Asan Ate
— Justine Dyikuk & Benjamin Gudaku
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